Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Safe Environment

I started a blog a while ago for my family and friends to read while I was in college. It fell to the way side but this... I think this will be my new beginning. A consistent beginning.

My counselor gave me this book The Courage to Heal Workbook: For Women and Men Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse. In the very beginnings the book talks about creating a safe environment for yourself in which you are comfortable handling your own situation/story/problems/etc. I never realized it before but in my group counseling sessions I found my stability- my consistency- something that I knew would be there for me even if I wasn't there at all. I never had that growing up. I was the only consistent thing in my life, the only thing I could ultimately depend on. And until I went to counseling in my Freshman year of college I had never been able to actively face the many issues I had to cope with/ignore while growing up.

So I will keep this blog. This will be my personal outlet that I will resort to every Thursday. I have a facebook, twitter, fabhairproject profile, and friends if I need immediate venting and releasing on a matter, but here... I will collect my learnings, feelings and processes in order to finally get through to myself in the times that I am lost and unsure about my ideas and decisions. I will open up about things that I would not normally be able to share with people in a public setting or sometimes even an intimate setting because I either feel like they won't understand, or look at me the same way or whatever other reasons I can come up with.

This blog is for me. This blog is for anyone who wants to get to know and understand my thoughts. This blog is scary, sad, wonderful, inspiring, and down right useless (I would know).

My relationships with my hair, people, and God will be addressed. My past, present, and future will be discussed with a level of organization and chaos that I am generally pretty good at keeping. This is my environment. I will not let you stay if you give me a reason to make you leave. I will express my emotions, thoughts and feelings as they have developed by the time Thursday comes around and I will edit posts as situations develop and the additions will be made in purple italic writing (Purple is my favorite color). So I have laid out my ground rules. I am open for positive and constructive comments.


-Dizzy (my hair) and I

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great idea. Once a week is just the right amount to not feel obligated or lazy :0)

